I prefer to tailor therapeutic coaching for each individual, one size doesn’t fit all. Some people need more goal focused coaching and some prefer more therapeutic approaches. A combination approach is often the best. I am fond of the following approaches, GROW model, Cognitive Behavioural Therapy techniques, transactional analysis, , Hypnotherapy, Neuro linguistic programming, Relaxation, visualisation techniques, Personality/temperament assessments, Inspirational tools, meditation and mindfulness, and journaling.
- Level 6 qualified, Advanced University Diploma in Mental Health– Staffs univeristy
- Diploma of HE in Advice – Staffs Uni
- Hypnotherapy Practitioners Diploma (Accredited)
- Certificate of Foundation Recruitment Practice (MIRP -RPf)
- Certificate Basic Counselling skills
- NCFE level 2 in Equality and Diversity
- NCFE level 1 Safeguarding Adults and Children
- Local Safeguarding Children and Adults – full level 1
- Certificate in Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP),
Drug and Alcohol Awareness, CBT, Mental Health Assessment, Mental Health Intervention, Practitioner values, Spotting abuse, children’s workforce programme, Building Self-Esteem and Confidence- CAMHS, Helping with Loss and Bereavement -CAMHS, Managing Anger and Self -Harm – CAMHS, CAMHS Staffordshire -Tier one Training, Management, Leadership and Coaching in the workplace- GROW(TH)